The National Weather Service issued a tornado watch for Saturday at 6:51 p.m., which will last until 9 p.m. The watch covers Bosque, Hood, and Somervell counties.
This watch is in effect until 9 p.m.
How do you protect yourself during a tornado?
According to the NWS, quick action is critical to staying safe during a tornado. Stay informed on tornado watches and warnings by listening to local news or the NOAA Weather Radio.
If you are indoors and a tornado warning is issued, go to your basement, a safe room, or an inner area with no windows. If you have time, bring your dogs along.
If you are outside and a tornado is approaching, seek quick cover inside a strong building. Sheds, storage facilities, mobile homes, and tents are all unsafe places to be.
If you are in a car, it is not safe to be in a vehicle when a tornado hits. Driving to the nearest shelter is the most prudent course of action. If you are unable to reach a safe shelter, either squat down in your automobile and shield your head, or abandon the vehicle and seek safety in a low-lying spot such as a ditch or ravine.
Do you have an emergency kit ready in the event of a tornado?
The FEMA suggests storing the following things in a basic disaster supplies kit:
• Water: one gallon each person for at least three days.
• Food, at least three days’ supply
• Cell phone with chargers and a backup battery.
• Battery-powered or hand-cranked radio
• A flashlight.
• First aid kit.
• The whistle
• Use a dust mask to filter polluted air.
• Plastic sheeting and duct tape for shelter.
• Moist towels, rubbish bags, and plastic ties.
• Manual can opener for food.
• Local maps.
Source: The National Weather Service.